Zero no Tsukaima (2006)
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Louise é uma garota nobre péssima em magia, nunca conseguindo usá-la da maneira que quer. Seus colegas de classe a apelidaram de Zero Louise, por causa de sua inabilidade de usar qualquer um dos quatro elementos mágicos comuns. O poder de um mago é determinado pelo número de elementos que ele consegue usar, indo desde um único elemento (mago ponto) até quatro elementos (mago quadrado).No começo do ano na Academia de Magia de Tristain, os estudantes do segundo ano invocam seus espíritos familiares; isto é considerado um ritual especial onde um mago invoca seu servo protetor eterno, que geralmente é algum tipo de animal ou criatura mágica. Porém, Louise consegue invocar um humano plebeu chamado Saito Hiraga, o que a deixa totalmente humilhada. Online
Elenco principal

Tetsuo Goto
Takahiro Sakurai
Guiche de Grammont
Satomi Arai
Yui Horie
Takeshi Aono
Mikako Takahashi
Montmorency Margarita la Fère de Montmorency
Rie Kugimiya
Satoshi Hino
Saito HiragaMidia
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1 - Louise the Zero
Despite being from a famous magic family, Louise has never been able to successfully cast a single spell. On the day of her familiar summoning exam, she bungles the summoning and accidentally summons a human from Earth. The poor victim of her mistake is Saito Hiraga, a typical high school boy.

2 - The Commoner Familiar
An abrupt departure from the normal life he once lead, Saito must deal with being Louises familiar. Unhappy with the arrogance of nobles, Saito exposes Guiches two-timing nature as an act of revenge. This of course, provokes Guiche into challenging him to a a duel. Despite being severely beaten up by Guiches magic, Saito refuses to bow down. Impressed, Guiche tosses him a sword to even up the playing field. In a completely unexpected turn of events, the runes etched on Saitos hands begin to glow the moment he grasps the sword. Feeling a surge of energy, Saito manages to defeat Guiche. However, he soon collapses after the fight from fatigue.

3 - The Subtle Heat's Allure
With his recent victory over Guiche, Saito has become semi-popular among the commoners and several nobles. Kirche in particular has chosen him as her next boyfriend. In a devious plan, she attempts to seduce him, although this fails when Louise finds out. Annoyed by Saitos lack of defenses, Louise drags him out to town to pick up a sword after considering his hidden talents. Kirche, unwilling to let go so easily, matches Louises gift with a more impressive sword. Of course, it simply causes more problems between Saito and Louise.

4 - The Maid's Crisis
Siesta is sold to a royal family from out of town, presumably to be a mistress to the head noble. Disgusted by the lack of regard that nobles have for commoners, Saito tries his best to rescue her, but with no avail. As Saito attempts to take on the noble by fighting, Louise and the others arrive just in time to prevent Saitos death. In an act of kindness, Kirche gives up her family treasure to make up for Saitos actions and win Siesta back. Before leaving the manor, Saito catches a glimpse of the family treasure, and is shocked to find that it is in actuality a rather old porno magazine from Earth.

5 - The Princess of Tristain
The yearly familiar exhibition is literally a day away and Louise is feeling rather depressed about it. Not only does Saito have nothing impressive to show off, but this year the Princess is watching as well, making it even more important. As night approaches, desperation sets in as Saito is unable to produce an act worthy of praise. A sudden mystery visitor turns out to be Princess Henrietta herself and her relationship with Louise is explained. The next day, Saito attempts a presentation only to be dragged off early by Louise. Walking away from the stage, they witness a robbery in progress by Fouquet and her earthen golem. Failing to stop her, Fouquet is able to run off with the fabled Staff of Destruction.

6 - The Thief's True Identity
Worried that the princess may be blamed for Fouquets theft, Louise volunteers to go out and catch her. With Kirche, Tabitha, and Saito tagging along, they travel to the last sighting of Fouquet with Longueville. There, they discover the hiding place of the Staff of Destruction only to have Fouquets golem appear. Wishing to show her worth, Louise tries to take it head on with a spell, nearly being crushed in the process. Only by Saitos quick reflexes is she saved. Her confidence broken, Louise breaks into tears. Saito is moved by this and begins attacking the golem in her name. After discarding Kirches sword and drawing Derflinger, the runes on his hands glow once again and his ability greatly increases. Louise tries to help by taking out the Staff of Destruction, which turns out to be a M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon system(LAWs) rocket launcher from Vietnam War. Immediately recognizing it, Saito grabs it and quickly uses it, blowing up the golem.

7 - Louise's Part-Time Job
Having been concerned for the welfare of the commoners, Henrietta asks Louise and Saito to work undercover and figure out if what nobles are taking advantage of the lesser ranked commoners. Louise ends up wasting all of the money given to her for the mission on gambling in hopes of having enough to afford an expensive hotel. Refusing to ask for more money, Louise ends up working in a bar as a waitress. Unused to the brashness of a commoners life, she is unable to earn any tips with her temper flaring all over the place. Her moment of salvation comes when a rather arrogant noble decides to enter the bar.

8 - Tabitha's Secret
Its summer vacation and many students are traveling back to their families. Kirche goes along with Tabitha to her home on invitation, leaving Louise and Saito alone for once. However, mischief is still plentiful. Upset at Guiches continued flirting with other girls, Montmorency creates a love potion and plots to have Guiche take it. Meanwhile, Saito obtains a large pot that was about to be thrown away and converts it into a makeshift hot tub, similar to the hot springs in Japan. While bathing in it at night, Siesta happens to pass by and much to Saitos embarrassment joins him. Seeing this, Louise becomes so frustrated that she interrupts Montmorencys plans by gulping the drink laced with the before mentioned love potion. As can be expected, when Saito returns to her room, Louise falls completely in love, causing many more problems.

9 - Louise's Change Of Heart
The lovey-dovey antics of Louise under the love potion persist to the point of freaking Saito out. In desperation, Saito demands that Montmorency create an antidote. She refuses to do so until Saito learns of the illegality of creating love potions and threatens her with possible arrest. As the antidote requires the tears of a water elemental, Montmorency leads Saito and Louise to Lake Lagdorian. There, they find Kirche, Tabitha, and a whole new problem.

10 - The Princess' Request
Having taken care of the love potion, a new problem arises again. This time, Princess Henrietta is to be wed to the Emperor of Germania for the sake of backing up the smaller country with a stronger power. In order to do so, a certain letter the princess sent to Prince Wales of Albion. If it is ever publicly revealed then the marriage would be impossible. At the moment, Albion is in a state of civil war, so Henrietta herself cannot see the prince. Therefore, Louise is sent with a message to Prince Wales requesting that the letter be retrieved. Guiche then enters, revealing that he had accidentally heard it all and would be willing to aid the princess. Much to both Louise and Saitos ire, Henrietta accepts Guiches offer. On the day of departure, the escort arrives and is revealed to be Wardes, Louises fiancé. A growing jealousy develops in Saito on the way to the port city of La Rochelle.

11 - Louise's Marriage
With the arrival of Wardes and Louise alone, they meet up with Prince Wales in a seemingly deserted church. After finishing up business, Wardes suggests to Louise that they should just get married right then. Confused and repulsed by the idea, Louise tries to refuse his offer, but one of Wardes allies comes out with a mind-control ring, forcing her into agreeing. With the Prince as the minister, the marriage proceeds and is nearly completed until Saito bursts into the church. Snapping Louise out of her trance, Saito rushes to rescue her. In response, Wardes kills Prince Wales, revealing that he is in fact involved with the rebels fighting the government Albion called Reconquista.

12 - The Zero Secret Treasure
The gang has located a rare dragon, which Siestas family has kept a map. It turns out to be a Mitsubishi Zero-sen, a Japanese aircraft use in World War II. They bring it back to the school. Colbert said someone earlier used another aircraft to fly during the solar eclipse and disappeared. Saito concluded that the person returned home and this is his chance for him to return home also.

13 - Louise of the Void
Cromwell launches an invasion on the day of the solar eclipse. Louise heads off to battle as Saitos chance to return home draws near.
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