Stargate Atlantis (2004)
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Os acontecimentos em Stargate Atlantis seguem-se ao episódio final Lost City da sétima temporada de Stargate SG-1, no qual a equipe SG-1 encontrou um posto avançado na Antártida construído por uma raça conhecida como os Antigos. Com os desdobramentos em New Order, episódio inicial da oitava temporada de Stargate SG-1, o Comando do Stargate envia uma equipe internacional para investigar o posto. O Dr. Jackson descobre a localização da mais grandiosa cidade criada pelos Antigos: Atlântida. A nova série acompanha as aventuras de um grupo de cientistas e militares que embarcam numa viagem sem volta para aquela cidade, na Galáxia Pégasus. Da mesma maneira que as equipes SG de Stargate SG-1, o uso, pela nova equipe, do Stargate coloca a humanidade em contacto com outras culturas, algumas humanas, outras alienígenas, algumas amigáveis, outras profundamente hostis, como os Wraith. Online
Elenco principal

David Hewlett
Rodney McKay
Rachel Luttrell
Teyla Emmagan
Torri Higginson
Elizabeth Weir
Jason Momoa
Ronon Dex
Robert Picardo
Richard Woolsey
David Nykl
Dr. Radek Zelenka
Rainbow Sun Francks
Lt. Aiden Ford, Aiden Ford
Paul McGillion
Carson BeckettMidia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Rising (1)
A new Stargate team embarks on a dangerous mission to a distant galaxy, where they discover a mythical lost city -- and a deadly new enemy.

2 - Rising (2)
Sheppard tries to convince Weir to mount a rescue mission to free Colonel Sumner, Teyla, and the others captured by the Wraith.

3 - Hide and Seek
The Atlantis base is threatened when the team discovers that an alien entity is in the city. McKays experiment with alien technology goes awry.

4 - Thirty-Eight Minutes
The team finds themselves in mortal danger when their Puddle Jumper ship becomes lodged in the Stargate.

5 - Suspicion
After a series of run-ins with the Wraith, the team begins to suspect their Athosian allies of having a spy in their midst.

6 - Childhood's End
Sheppard and the team visit a world where no one is over 24 years old -- because of a ritual suicide practice they believe keeps the Wraith at bay.

7 - Poisoning the Well
The team finds a world whose people are on the brink of a discovery that may make them immune to the Wraith feeding.

8 - Underground
Efforts to open trade relations with a species called the Genii turn sour when the team discovers their new allies have ulterior motives.

9 - Home
McKays efforts to harness the energy of an alien planets atmosphere allows for a return trip to Earth -- but the team may not be able to return to Atlantis.

10 - The Storm (1)
When a massive storm threatens the city, Atlantis is evacuated -- only to be taken over by the teams newest enemy.

11 - The Eye (2)
Major Sheppard plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse with soldiers who have seized control of Atlantis and have taken Weir and McKay hostage.

12 - The Defiant One
Sheppards team investigates a downed Wraith ship, and find themselves stuck on a planet with a lone Wraith survivor.

13 - Hot Zone
Nearly a third of Atlantiss residents are infected with a deadly virus that causes hallucinations and death, forcing a lockdown of the city.

14 - Sanctuary
The team finds a paradise world that would make an ideal sanctuary for those fleeing from the Wraith, but the local inhabitants believe their goddess will not permit it.

15 - Before I Sleep
A woman is found in suspended animation in Atlantis, and the team is shocked to see that it is Dr. Weir herself, who tells them of her trip 10,000 years into the citys past.

16 - The Brotherhood
The team searches for a valuable Zero Point Module rumored to be hidden on the planet Dagan -- but their new allies have motives of their own.

17 - Letters from Pegasus
With a brief opportunity to send a data transmission to Earth, members of the Atlantis expedition compose video messages home to their loved ones.

18 - The Gift
Plagued by terrifying nightmares, Teyla begins to recall a time when she and her father were captured by the Wraith and subjected to disturbing experiments.

19 - The Siege (1)
With a group of Wraith hive ships on the way to Atlantis, the team searches for a place to flee and a way to destroy the city. McKay leads a team to try and activate the Ancients orbital weapons platform.

20 - The Siege (2)
All hope seems lost, until Colonel Everett arrives suddenly from Earth. He is determined to defend the city until the arrival of a ZPM, brought by a new ship.
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