Rumo ao Desconhecido
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Rumo ao Desconhecido (2015)

Rumo ao Desconhecido Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir Rumo ao Desconhecido Completo, Assistir Online
Intrigado por mistérios lendários e motivado pela curiosidade, Josh Gates investiga eventos icônicos, cidades perdidas, tesouros enterrados e outras histórias. Online

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Josh Gates

Josh Gates

Self - Host
Orson Mochizuki

Orson Mochizuki

Honjo Shigenaga
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Rumo ao Desconhecido11

1 - Amelia Earhart

In the 2-hour season premiere of Expedition Unknown, adventurer Josh Gates hunts down new evidence on the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. He treks to uncharted tribal lands in Papua New Guinea and ends his journey in Fiji, hoping to uncover the pilots remains.

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2 - Temple of Doom

Josh travels to the remote and land-mine-riddled jungles of Cambodia to investigate the lost city of the Khmer Empire and search for a mystical relic that gave its god king the power to incinerate his enemies more than 1,000 years ago.

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3 - World;s 8th Wonder

Josh is on the trail of Russias missing Amber Panels, priceless pieces of art stolen by the Nazis during WWII. After starting in St. Petersburg, Russia, and getting exposed to the local culture, Josh makes a brief pit stop in Berlin to marvel at the citys amazing turnaround since the end of the Cold War.

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4 - The Legend of Jesse James

Josh tries putting the legend of Jesse James missing gold to rest, as he searches the American Midwest, searching for the treasure.

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5 - City of Gold

Josh Gates travels through Peru in search for the legendary Incan lost city of Paititi. His journey takes him from the historic Cusco, to the heights of Machu Picchu, and finally into the Amazons dark and mysterious jungles.

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6 - Viking Sunstone

Josh travels to England and Norway to unlock the secrets of the Viking sunstone, a mystic crystal the Vikings used to conquer the seas. Before testing it, he explores a crypt in a Nordic church and descends 1,000 feet into a deserted mine.

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7 - Captain Morgan;s Lost Gold

Josh joins archaeologists in Panama as they search for the Satisfaction, the sunken flagship of legendary pirate Captain Henry Morgan. But first he must understand the man behind the rum who attacked Panama City looking for treasure. He also searches one of many shipwrecks near Fort San Lorenzo at the reef, where Morgans ship ran aground.

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8 - Code to Gold

Josh scours the Virginia backcountry in search of the legendary Thomas Beale treasure, which would be worth millions today. Since encrypted codes are hiding its whereabouts, Josh takes a detour to Philadelphia to uncover missing pieces of the puzzle.

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9 - Mayan Apocalypse

While investigating the fall of the remarkable Mayan Empire, Josh unearths human skulls and ancient Mayan sacrificial altars in the caverns underneath the jungles and ruins of Mexico.

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10 - Secrets of the Nazca

Josh travels to Peru to investigate the giant geoglyphs drawn into the earth by the ancient Nazca tribes and while studying newly found lines joining a Nazca psychadelic ritual, Josh discovers the meaning behind the mysterious tracings.

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11 - Samurai Sword of Power

Josh searches for the missing mystical Honjo sword in Japan in ancient shrines hidden in the mountains and underground tunnels.

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12 - Curse of the Golden Bell

The ancient cursed Golden Bell of King Dhammazedi.

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