Elenco principal

Jeon So-nee
Min Jae-yi
Pyo Ye-jin
Jang Ga-ram
Yun Jong-seok
Han Seong-on
Lee Tae-seon
Kim Myeong-jin
Heo Won-seo
Choi Tae-gang
Cho Seong-ha
Han Joong-eon
Jung Woong-in
Jo Won-bo
Son Byung-ho
Kim An-jikMidia
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- Videos

1 -
A rumor about how Prince Hwan has been cursed by a ghost has spread throughout the country. He has a dark secret he cant tell anyone. People who are trying to get Hwan dethroned prepare a trap and Hwan must stand against them. Meanwhile, the one who killed Hwans Master comes to see him of her own free will.

2 -
After facing a crisis at the hunting grounds, Hwan finds himself in an unbelievable situation. Jae-yi claims that shes innocent and blames Hwan for the death of her family. Hwan is confused when he finds out Jae-yi knows about his secret. Meanwhile, Jae-yis servant disguises herself as a man to learn from the mad scientist, Kim Myeong-jin.

3 -
Hwan cant trust Jae-yi and tells her to come find him in the East Palace on her own. To get there, Jae-yi turns herself into a eunuch. Meanwhile, Seong-on is shock to learn that his father might have something to do with the written prayer incident.

4 -
Hwan gives Jae-yi a second test. She must figure out why the messenger he sent to Master Mins house was killed and Jae-yi finds out it has something to do with Hwan. And finally, Hwan gives the last test which is to solve a serial murdercase. Now Jae-yi must face her fiancé.

5 - Episódio 5
Hwan, Jae-yi, Myeong-jin and Ga-ram finally meet. They head out to solve the Cardinal Point case. Meanwhile, Seong-on feels humiliated since hes competing against Sun-dol and feels upset when he sees Hwan and Sun-dol together.

6 - Episódio 6
Jae-yi proves herself by solving the Cardial Point case and Hwan starts to trust her. Hwan listens to what happened to Jae-yis family and trusts that she is innocent. Seong-on and Jae-yi run into each other by accident and she finds out Seong-on has been carrying something that has something to do with her.

7 - Episódio 7
After Hwan decides that he cant trust Jae-yi, he kicks her out of the palace. Ga-ram is ordered a chusoeryeong and is put in danger. Seong-on is curious as to why Hwan is looking into the case of his ex-fiancé and Hwan feels lonely now more than ever without Jae-yi.

8 - Episódio 8
The Princes Guards and the War Department has a match of polo while Jae-yi watches. The interrogation of the shaman begins and she starts to curse the royal family which brings chaos to the capital and the palace.

9 - Episódio 9
The palace and the capital is in chaos after the shamans curse. Cho Won-bo turns the crisis into an opportunity and starts to pressure the royal family. Hwan and Jae-yi tried to prove that a human set fire to the plum tree and they find out that the real culpirt is someone they didnt expect.

10 - Episódio 10
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11 - Episódio 11
After finding the royal secretarys journal suspicious, Hwan starts investigating what happened in Byeokcheon and the dried peony petals. After getting a mysterious letter, Cho Won-bo tries to subjugate the remnants of the thieves.

12 - Episódio 12
Hwan teams up with Jae-yi and Seong-on to find a way to leave the palace after getting confined. Jae-yi finally remembers the face of the messenger who was at her house and is in shock. She runs to Hwan after realizing hes in danger.

13 - Episódio 13
Jae-yi claims that her memories are true, but Hwan trusts Tae-kang which confuses Jae-yi even more. Meanwhile, to each Myung-jin a lesson, Ga-ram steps up. Hwan leaves with Jae-yi and Seong-on after finding the man who tampered with the written prayer is in Paju and get themselves in danger.

14 - Episódio 14
After returning to the palace, Hwan tries to send Jae-yi to Seong-on because he doesnt want Jae-yi to get hurt anymore. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman comes to Seong-ons house. The bounty hunters go to Jo Won-bo about Ga-ram and while having a good time at the inn, Hwan, Jae-yi, Myung-jin and Ga-ram are faced with another murder case.

15 - Episódio 15
The Manyeondang group manages to get the bracelet Shim Yeong gave to Jae-yi and start to figure out how Jae-yis family was murdered. The King announces that the Crown Princess selection will take place soon, so Hwan gets ready to let Jae-yi go. Meanwhile, Prince Myeong-han, who was suffering from nightmares, says something shocking.

16 - Episódio 16
The Queen is furious that Won-bo used her son, Prince Myeong-ahn. Hwan tries to meet Park Han-su to find out what happened in Byeokcheon, but Jo Won-bo makes a move first to stop him from talking. Meanwhile, Princess Ha-yeon makes a risky decision to help Prince Myeong-ahn get better and the Manyeongdang group takes a huge step toward the truth.

17 - Episódio 17
Princess Ha-yeon and Prince Myeong-ahn leaves the palace to meet Monk Mu-jin and an assassin follows them. Hwan and Jae-yi ask Tae-kang about the new mystery they unfolded, but Tae-kang says he doesnt know anything about it. Meanwhile, the Queen tells Seong-on the truth about Jae-yi and Jae-yi finds herself in danger.

18 - Episódio 18
Seong-on finds out Sun-dol is acutally Min Jae-yi and feels betrayed. Meanwhile, Tae-kang tells Hwan everything about his secret. Hwan, Jae-yi, Myung-jin and Ga-ram takes one step closer to the truth and starts to track down the secret letter Min Ho-seung left behind, but another crisis hits them.

19 - Episódio 19
After finding out whats written in the jikgeumdo, Hwan and Han Jung-eon are in shock and Jae-yi gets arrested for murder. Hwan is even more shocked to hear Jae-yi admit everything. Jo Won-bo demands that the Crown Prince gets deposed. Meanwhile, Seong-on gets an order from the Queen in secret.

20 - Episódio 20
After finding out about the Queens secret, Jo Won-bo is furious and the Queen makes a decision when Won-bo threatens her son. Meanwhile, the six arrive at Naewang Village and Hwan tries to convince them. Just then, Jo Won-bo comes once again to slaughter them.
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