Mulheres de Azul (2024)
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Em 1971, quatro mulheres desafiam as normas ultraconservadoras e juntam-se à primeira força policial feminina do México, o que acaba sendo uma jogada publicitária para distrair a imprensa de um assassino em série. Conforme o número de vítimas aumenta, elas fazem um pacto para levar o assassino à justiça. Online
Elenco principal

Ximena Sariñana
Natalia Téllez
Amorita Rasgado
Miguel Rodarte
Leonardo Sbaraglia
Christian Tappán
Emilio Escobedo
Horacio García Rojas
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1 - Maria
Enquanto um serial killer, que ataca mulheres, aterroriza a cidade, Maria, Valentina, Gabina e Ángeles se juntam à primeira força policial feminina.

2 - Paola
Maria e as outras Azuis tropeçam em uma nova vítima do Depravado e observam como um homem, que elas acreditam ser inocente, é preso.

3 - Norma
Insatisfeitas com as conclusões dos detetives, as Azuis conduzem sua própria investigação fora dos registros.

4 - Alma
Outra vítima do Depravado é encontrada, confirmando as suspeitas das Mulheres de Azul. A investigação delas direciona os detetives para um novo suspeito.

5 - Ángeles
Romandía é chamado para assumir a investigação, enquanto as Mulheres de Azul descobrem uma pista que pode revelar a identidade do Depravado.

6 - Laura
Os detetives tomam medidas drásticas para encontrar respostas. Maria procura a ajuda de alguém que possa oferecer uma nova visão: um serial killer condenado.

7 - Dora
As Azuis se concentram em assassinatos não resolvidos na esperança de encontrar uma conexão com O Depravado.

8 - Rosa
Maria e Ângeles interrogam o filho adotado de uma mulher chamada Rosa, que as Azuis acreditam ter sido a primeira vítima do Depravado.

9 - Gabina
As Azuis trabalham com os detetives preparando uma armadilha para pegar o homem que pensam ser O Depravado, mas as coisas não saem conforme o planejado.

10 - Valentina
As Azuis se unem para tentar salvar uma colega, colocando em risco o futuro da força policial.

11 - Kyoja Circuit
A dolem is beating RahXephon, and Ayato is writhing on the floor of the cockpit, and is in a dream state where, Toyko is much different, there are flashes of a Murian, Mamoru, Hiroko, Haruka Mishima and his mother.

12 - The Black Egg
A photographer heads out to a mysterious archeological site, but is promptly shot to death by the very woman who brought him there. At Nirai Kanai, Sayoko and Mokoto are getting together. Haruka is shocked when she walks by and sees him leaving. Helena, of the Barbem Foundation sends Doctors to investigate Quon, who is in a deep sleep. A new Dolem attacks, and both RahXephon and the Alpha Squad is sent out, but Ayato becomes distracted when he finds Quon inside RahXephon with him...

13 - Human Specimen #1
Haruka visits the Great War Memorial Hall, where an unidentified source informs her documents showing Quon was in Sendai are probably fakes, and at dinner, we get hints that Ayato likes Haruka. A Dolem appears, but since it is too high up to effectively attack, and hasnt made any offensive moves, and TERRA lets it be. Sayoko spends most of this episode sneaking around, trying to get information out of people, with varying success.

14 - The Boy in the Mirror
Despite Itsukis report saying Quon has not yet awakened, Helena has reliable information disputing that, namely the disc that Sayoko gave to Makoto. Itsuki is mad at Sayoko for this betrayal. Futagami reveals an odd family secret.

15 - The Children;s Night
Itsuki, Helena and Isshiki grew up together as students of the Bohbem Foundation. While many of the other students exhibited special abilities, Isshiki showed little talent and was considered to be normal. When Isshiki finds a stone-like creature, his desire to protect it awakens something within him that he never realized he had.

16 - Island of Others
Megu is going through a test to become a full-fledged member of TERRA. Ayato is still depressed because hes a Mulian and everyone was keeping it from him. Hes going around biting peoples heads off, accusing them of laughing about him behind his back. Haruka is worried about telling Ayato some secret. The two of them talk. Haruka says that it doesnt matter that Ayato is a Mulian, but he doesnt listen. Sayoko breaks it off with Iishiki, saying that he was using her, but she was also using him. She gives him a dress as a token, because she no longer has anyone to wear it for. And Quon is about to be moved to her new home. Megu passes her test and she is going to meet someone to tell him about her feelings for him. But when she goes to meet him, she finds that Souichi is already in a relationship with Kim. Shes upset at first, but Kim starts to cry, so Megu forgives her. Quon asks Ayato to take her to Tokyo and he agrees, flying off in the RahXephon.

17 - Return to the Labyrinth
Ayato and Quon are headed back to Tokyo Jupiter. Elvy is ordered to go out and bring them back, using the Vermillion, at any cost. Even if Ayato comes back peacefully, Iishiki plans to charge him for treason. Haruka asks to go with Elvy secretly, and she lets her. Ayato is almost to Tokyo Jupiter when Elvy catches up, and the two are about to fight when a Dolem appears to help Ayato. It distracts Elvy long enough for him to get through, then goes through too. Elvy also goes in after them. Ayato awakes in the hospital. His mom comes to get him and Quon stays there. On the way home, Ayato sees his friends and talks to them. Asahina freaks out, saying somethings wrong and shes forgetting things. Mamoru tells her shes being paranoid. When Ayato gets home, he checks his blood, which is red. His mother shows him hers, which is blue. He starts to scream, and Quon wakes up.

18 - The Bond of Blue Blood
All that Ayato has known about his life proves to be a lie: his mother is not who he thought she was, his old friends are spies and Tokyo Jupiter is infested with Mu. The only person he can trust is his old school friend, Hiroko Asahina. Together they decide to escape the city for the real world

19 - Blue Friend
While on the run from the authorities, Ayato and Asahina grow closer as they start a life together and try to blend into the rest of society. Free of Tokyo Jupiter effects, though, Asahina soon discovers something about herself that frightens her. Fearing that Ayato would leave her if he knew her secret, she decides to keep the news to herself.

20 - The Artisan;s Battle
Ayato returns to TERRA amidst many changes: Isshiki is in charge, the mysterious Mishima is now a part of TERRA, and Mamoru has arrived from Tokyo Jupiter and is willing to live in the real world.

21 - The Carved Seal of Xephon
Ishiki plans to destroy the barrier around Tokyo Jupiter. Souichi is planning on tricking him somehow.

22 - Operation Jupiter Obliteration
Eager to prove himself, Ishiki fires Haruka over a trivial matter and takes control of the attack on Tokyo Jupiter. Against orders, he moves the attack up one hour. The attack commences with disastrous results.

23 - From Here to Eternity
The aerial cities continue to multiply. Kunugi decides to evacuate everyone from the island and stay by himself to try to stop the D1 headed their way. TERRA leaves with everyone else. The D1 is the Dolem of Kuki, Kunugis former superior officer that gave him the order to kill his own daughter. It reaches the island of Narai Kanai and starts destroying cities. Kunugi sends some missiles and remote control fighter jets, but they do no good. The D1 attacks the building hes in while Kuki taunts him. Kunugi is injured, and Kuki says its over. But Kunugi tells him that the entertainment has yet to begin, and activates the barrier creating thing. The barrier destroys everything in its path, including the cities, Kunugi, Kuki, and the D1. Ayato makes a choice to join with Ixtli in order to protect Haruka.

24 - Doorway to the Tuning
The fight with the Dolems begins. Many human lives are lost, including Cathy and John. Ayato joins with Ixtli and the RahXephon transforms.

25 - God;s Uncertain Music
Tensions mount as the survivors struggle to rebuild their lives among the ruins of Japan. As arguments become heated, Haruka questions her sanity as she begins to see Ayato in various places. Meanwhile, Quon prepares to make her final move.
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