Hikari no Ou (2023)
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Após a última Grande Guerra, o mundo é coberto por uma floresta negra habitada por demônios de fogo. Os sobreviventes da guerra, vivendo em pequenas áreas protegidas por barreiras, foram infectados por um patógeno que os faz entrar em combustão espontânea na presença de fogo comum. O único fogo seguro, a única fonte de luz e calor que podem usar, vem dos demônios capturados na floresta. E quando os caminhos de uma garota do campo e um jovem da capital se cruzam, um novo destino se abre para eles. Online
Elenco principal

Shoya Ishige
Koushi (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Akira (voice)
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Roroku (voice)
Saori Hayami
Kira (voice)
Megumi Yamaguchi
Hinako (voice)
Yoshiko Sakakibara
Narrator (voice)
Makoto Koichi
Kaho (voice)
Chiaki Kobayashi
Shouzou (voice)Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Partida
Esta história se passa em um mundo em que a humanidade mudou e passou a queimar ao se aproximar do fogo natural. O mundo passou a ser tomado por florestas sombrias, onde habitam os demônios de fogo. Em meio a isso, surge a profissão de caçador de fogo. Um dia, a menina Touko entra na floresta, sendo salva pelo sacrifício de um caçador de fogo. Agora começa sua jornada para devolver os pertences que ele deixou a sua família.

2 - As Três Noivas
On board the armored collection truck, Touko meets fellow reluctant travelers. Meanwhile, in the capital, the orphaned Koushi gets an unexpected offer from a wealthy magnate. Despite his misgivings, this patron could be his ailing sisters only hope.

3 - Fractions of the World
While Koushi meets his new family and learns about the task before him, Touko struggles to keep her place on the truck. But even if she succeeds, an unexpected obstacle may cut her journey short.

4 - Flickering Flame
While Touko and her companions flee the wreckage of their trucks, Koushi digs through the archive for forgotten tomes. What he discovers casts his mission in a new light.

5 - The Spider Child
The survivors of the dragon attack receive unexpected aid from Akira, a lady fire hunter with an unconventional hound. Later, they come upon an abandoned child...with ties to the group that wants them dead.

6 - The Capital
Their long journey over, Toukos party rests with Shouzous family in the capital. Koushi enters the forest with the aid of the enigmatic fire hunter Roroku.

7 - Chance Encounter
Touko loses her way while running from the city watch and receives unexpected help from Kira. Meanwhile, Koushi approaches Yuoshichi and Roroku with a daring plan.

8 - Garden of the Gods
Touko and Kouji follow a treefolk child into a forbidden area of the capital, where they make a startling discovery. But the spies of the gods are hot on their heels.

9 - The Lightning Cannon
War looms over the capital, and Koushis work with for Yuoshichi Okibi is coming to a head. On the eve of their new weapons final test, two unexpected visitors complicate the situation. Who can Koushi trust, and what does he truly want to accomplish?

10 - Malformed Children
Hinakos illness worsens, provoking a crisis at the Okibi mansion. Meanwhile, Touko joins Akira to confront the gods. New forces and unguessed truths emerge as Flickering Flame draws ever closer.

11 - Foices Lunares
A invasão da capital começou e os demônios das chamas começam a atacar. Akira, Koushi e Touko precisam se separar mais uma vez para cada um cumprir seus objetivos.

12 - Trovão Estrondoso
Koushi se prepara, junto de Kun e Kanata, para fazer o primeiro disparo. No entanto, ainda há inimigos à espreita. Enquanto isso, Touko se encontra no meio de crianças trabalhadoras fabris que ouvem os primeiros relatos da invasão da capital...

13 - The Great Tree
With the fighting continuing unabated, the treefolk from the forbidden quarter are drawn to the surface, where they encounter a familiar face.

14 - Banked Fire
While each divine clan pursues a separate goal, visions of the Flickering Flame lead Touko and Koushi toward the palace. But who is she really, and can they trust her guidance?

15 - Sea of Trees
While following secret tunnels toward the palace, Touko and Koushi suddenly find themselves in the middle of the dark forest. They still have a letter to deliver, but the divine clans wont make the journey easy.

16 - The Divine Palace
Koushi finally reunites with Hinako. They set out for the palace, but their path brings them face to face with the last of the capitals treefolk. Meanwhile, Touko and Akira encounter a familiar face of their own.

17 - The Empty Girl
Takimi confronts Koushi on the palace steps. The medically minded god insists that only his medicine can save Hinako, but Koushi refuses to let his sister suffer any more experiments. As tensions mount, Kira appears—seeming not quite herself.

18 - Heavenly Beast
Yuoshichi is on the rampage, seeking revenge against the divine clans, but with the Flickering Flame now residing within his own daughter, what lengths will he go to in order to achieve his ultimate goal?

19 - Lady Goddess
A fallbeast suddenly descends on the divine palace, adding to the ongoing chaos. Touko instinctively knows that she must hunt it.

20 - Lamplight
Não temos sinopse em Português. Ajude-nos a ampliar a nossa base de dados adicionando uma.
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