Heavy Object (2015)
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Heavy Object conta a história de Qwenthur, um jovem que vai para uma base militar no Alasca para estudar os “Objects”, um novo tipo de arma que revolucionou a guerra como conhecemos. Em seus estudos ele conhece a piloto Milinda e chega mais perto de descobrir a verdade por trás dessas misteriosas armas. Online
Elenco principal

Shizuka Itoh
Frolaytia Capistrano
Natsuki Hanae
Qwenthur Barbotage
Kaito Ishikawa
Havia Winchell
Saori Onishi
Charlotte Zoom
Hisako Kanemoto
Ryusuke Ohbayashi
Rina Satou
Lendy FarolitoMidia
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1 - The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I
The world is now fragmented into four coalitions that constantly wage wars across their many borders. These wars are fought by a new class of weapons called Objects, which rendered all other forms of conventional warfare obsolete.

2 - The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II
The base is attacked and Milindas Baby Magnum is defeated by a more advanced and well equipped Object called the Water Strider, forcing the rest of the military, led by Frolaytia Capistrano to retreat, while Milinda decides to stay behind and serve as a decoy. But Qwenthur refuses to abandon her and returns with Havia to aid her.

3 - The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III
Reunited with Milinda, Qwenthur and Havia infiltrate the enemy base looking for a way to disable the Water Strider and allow Frolaytias forces to launch a counterattack, but things go south when Milinda is captured and its up to Qwenthur to challenge all odds to make sure his plan works. He manages to sabotage the Water Striders self destruct mechanism, causing it to explode and allowing Frolaytia to capture the enemy base. Qwenthur and Havia are hailed as heroes, and then are immediately transferred to a new front, much to their dismay.

4 - Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field / Battle to Blockade the Gibraltar I
Because of the success of their escapades with the first Object, Qwenthur and Havia are transferred to the entrance of the Mediterranean to assist in combating another Object which has been drilling and selling oil to terrorists. After the Object attacks, they are able to infiltrate it and attach bombs to it, but they are unable to destroy it, until Milinda arrives in time for support.

5 - Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field / Battle to Blockade the Gibraltar II
With Milinda facing the hostile Object, Qwenthur and Havias part in the battle seemed over, but the enemy Object begins systematically disabling Baby Magnums weapons. Qwenthur uses a series of mines to damage the Objects rudders, causing it to break apart under the stress of its own high speed maneuvering.

6 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State I
Qwenthur and co. are sent to a joint operation in Oceania with another Object from the Information Alliance. Milinda quickly grows jealous of Qwenthurs fascination with the rival Object and its pilot. Quenser and Havia are then sent to scout a jungle for enemies, and stumble across Oceanian soldiers massacring a village.

7 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II
After defeating the Oceanian soldiers and stopping the massacre, Qwenthur and Havia learn from Froylatia that Oceania plans to use their Object to destroy more villages and frame the joint task force for the atrocities, thereby turning public favor against the joint operation. The joint task force heads off to the suspected hiding place of the Oceanian Object, but Qwenthur realizes that it is a decoy and deduces the Oceanian Objects true hiding place.

8 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State III
Qwenthur and Havia discovers the enemys objects hideout. However, Councilor Flide, the commander of the joint task force, prevents them from calling in backup since his business interests are directly related with the outcome of the operation, and that Qwenthur and Havias deaths will reaffirm Objects are the ultimate weapons. Despite the setback, Qwenthur and Havia manage to destroy the Oceanian Object by overloading its reactor. Qwenthur, Havia, Froylatia, and Milinda then head to Flides headquarters and arrest Flide for his interference in the mission.

9 - In an Obstacle Course Race It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud / The Battle for Supremacy in Antarctica
Qwenthur and Havia are sent to a reconnaissance mission in Antarctica and confront a terrorist force that has occupied a Legitimacy Kingdom research station. After Milinda destroys the sentry guns defending the outpost, the duo discover that the terrorists are attempting to hack a military satellite so they can fire its laser at a remote lunar resort. Since the target is a mutual enemy of the Legitimacy Kingdom, Froylatia orders them to allow the terrorists to fire the laser. Havia then finds out his fiance is at the targeted resort and accidentally interrupts the hack, saving her life. Meanwhile, Milinda finds evidence of a submersible Object having recently been in the area.

10 - Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains I
Qwenthur and Havias unit is sent to intercept forces from the Mass Driver Conglomerate in the Iguazu region of South America. Meanwhile, Milinda receives an invitation for a mock battle against the Legitimacy Kingdoms newest Object, the Bright Hopper, under the implicit understanding that she deliberately lose against it. After Qwenthur and Havia land in Iguazu, they find no evidence of any Object. At the command center, Froylatia is contacted by Halreed, a high ranking noble and the pilot of the Bright Hopper, who requests that Froylatia allow him to defeat the enemy Object. In response, Froylatia orders Qwenthur and Havia to find and destroy the enemy Object before the Bright Hoppers arrival. Judging from their conversation, Havia theorizes that Froylatia and Halreed have some sort of personal connection to each other.

11 - Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains II
The Bright Hopper is destroyed while en route to the battlefield by the Mass Driver Conglomerates ultimate weapon, a railgun capable of firing artillery shells at a velocity of Mach 25. The MDC then attempts to target Baby Magnum, but thanks to a timely warning from Qwenthur, Milinda is barely able to dodge the attack, but Baby Magnum still suffers heavy damage. Meanwhile, the Bright Hoppers support forces arrive and announce that they plan to disable the MDCs Object by destroying a dam and flooding the entire Iguazu region, despite the fact that it would kill tens of thousands of civilians. Havia goes to stop the destruction of the dam while Qwenthur and Froylatia move to scout the enemy Objects (dubbed Break Carrier) location. Froylatia then tells Qwenthur how she joined the military in order to avoid being forced into an arranged marriage, and that Halreed was one of her potential suitors. They then hear the Break Carrier approaching, but cannot pinpoint its location.

12 - Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III
Havia manages to delay the demolition dam while Qwenthur and Froylatia split up to find the Break Carrier. Qwenthur spots the Break Carrier and manages to signal its position to Milinda, who uses Baby Magnums plasma cannon to fire straight through a mountain and destroy the Break Carrier. Victorious, Halreeds unit withdraws from the dam. However, Quenser suspects that the MDC may have a second Object that they have kept hidden. Halreed then contacts Froylatia announcing that he has been advanced to be the first place suitor, and attempts to force her out of the army to marry him. Qwenthur, on his own initiative, fools Halreed into believing that he has had an illicit relationship with Froylatia. Disgusted that Froylatia would sleep with a commoner, Halreed scraps his marriage plans, much to Froylatias embarrassment and relief.

13 - In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I
With the Break Carrier destroyed, the Legitimate Kingdom pursues the remnants of the MDC to the abandoned Amazon City, where Qwenthur and Havia are given the mission to assassinate the MDCs leader, Sladder Honeysuckle. However, Qwenthur notices that the MDC isnt trying to run, but instead trying to hole up in the city. The Capitalist Enterprise warns Froylatia that Honeysuckle is attempting to seek asylum with the Intelligence Union, and that the Intelligence Union is preparing to invade Amazon City to rescue him. Realizing that the Capitalist Enterprise will intervene to prevent Honeysuckles escape, Froylatia orders her forces to accelerate their search to prevent a potential 4-way battle.

14 - In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City II
While pursuing Honeysuckle, Baby Magnum accidentally runs into a trap set by the MDC, forcing Milinda to eject and causing Qwenthur and Havia to be separated. Qwenthur finds himself in a duel with Honesuckle himself, who, like him, dreams of finding a way to destroy Objects without having to use another Object. Qwenthur manages to outsmart Honesuckle with clever bomb placement, and both he and Havia capture him. The Capitalist Enterprise and Intelligence Union call off their attacks, and Froylatia prepares to send the team to the next battlefield.

15 - The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals / Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I
Qwenthur and Havia are sent back to Alaska in order to destroy the Water Striders remains and prevent the Information Alliance from gathering any valuable data from it. Opposing them is the Elite codenamed Ohoho, who battles Milinda, but both Objects disable each other. Qwenthur moves to sabotage Ohohos Object by climbing aboard and breaking into the cockpit.

16 - The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals / Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle II
Still surprised with Ohohos true appearance, Qwenthur attempts to subdue her but she easily subdues him. Returning to the battle in a much better condition, Ohoho apparently gains the upper hand against Milinda, but Qwenthur uses his wits to send a coded message to Havia that instructs him to set a trap that brings the Rushs AI to a deadlock. Qwenthur then tricks Ohoho into believing that her superiors have activated the Rushs self destruct system, and allows her to eject and escape, leaving the Rush to be captured intact. However, Ohohos superiors promise that her next Object will be far more powerful.

17 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz I
Qwenthur and Havia are tasked with assisting on an offensive against the Faith Organizations coal mines in Kamchatka. Qwenthur is tasked with leading a team to hack the Faith Organizations surveillance UAVs, allowing a team led by Havia to sabotage a radar facility and giving Milinda an edge over the Wing Balancer, the Object defending the mines. Accompanying Qwenthurs team is Charlotte Zoom, an oversight officer who is interested in Qwenthur. Unfortunately, before they can hack the UAVs, Nutsley, one of the team members, betrays them and shoots both Quenser and Charlotte in the back, leaving them for dead.

18 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II
Qwenthur and Charlotte barely survive Nutsleys betrayal thanks to the heavy gear they were carrying on their backs. Meanwhile, Havia team attempts to sabotage the Wing Balancer, but it is a failure and two members of Havias team are apparently killed. Milinda engage the Wing Balancer in combat. Qwenthur and Havia reunite inside the mines, where they deduce that the coal mines are in fact diamond mines which are owned by an antiwar faction within the Faith Organization. They further deduce that the Faith Organization is attempting to trick the Legitimacy Kingdom into destroy the mines and the antiwar faction along with it. The group is then attacked by Nutsley, who is piloting a powered armor suit.

19 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz III
The group is rescued from Nutsleys attack by one of the antiwar civilians, and Qwenthur and Havia then lead Nutsley into a trap, killing him. Qwenthur then heads for the surface to witness the battle between Baby Magnum and Wing Balancer. Realizing that Wing Balancer requires delicate IR sensors to control its landings, Qwenthur uses an IR laser to disable one of the sensors, causing the Wing Balancer to land improperly and cripple itself and is subsequently destroyed by Baby Magnum. However, even with hostilities over, another Legitimate Kingdom Object, Indigo Plasma, arrive and destroys mines to eliminate the antiwar activists. Fortunately, Frolaytia managed to warn the activists in time for them to safely escape the mines. Qwenthur then realizes that Nutsley was not working for the Faith Organization, but for a radical faction of the Legitimate Kingdom. With Indigo Plasmas treachery, a civil war within the Legitimacy Kingdom is inevitable.

20 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I
The Legitimate Kingdom stages an operation at Victoria Island including Baby Magnum and two other Objects, Snow Quake and Active Sledge, to ambush Indigo Plasma and stop the man behind it, Prizewell City Slicker. As Indigo Plasma also uses infantry as part of its tactics, just like Qwenthur and Havia had assisted Baby Magnum on past occasions, several detachments were sent to assist on the mission. After helping to deal with an enemy platoon, Qwenthur and Havia discover that the soldiers are dispersing some sort of gas that triggers a massive explosion once ignited by the enemy Objects Plasma Cannons, putting both Baby Magnum and Snow Quake in a disadvantage. To make matters worse, the Legitimate Kingdom forces are informed that the Active Sledge is ambushed and sunk by six other Objects which appeared by surprise, and quickly regroup with Indigo Plasma, whose pilot, who is no other than City Slicker himself, demands them to surrender.

21 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II
With Baby Magnum, Snow Quake, and Active Sledge disabled, City Slicker proceeds to lead his seven Objects to destroy a nearby immigrant city. Granny, fearing for her family that is living in the city, abandons her post to try and rescue them. Meanwhile, Qwenthur deduces that City Slickers sick extra Objects are actually decoys, with inferior armor and run by an AI. Before he and Havia can do anything, they are captured by the Battlefield Cleaning Service, a Capitalist Enterprise private military company who are trapped on Victoria Island due to a failed operation. Qwenthur uses a stash of diamonds he stole from the Kamchatka mines to hire the Battlefield Cleaning Service to assist him in stopping City Slicker. They then contact Granny and tell her to return to her post and repair Baby Magnum, as they will handle the defense of the city.

22 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III
With the Battlefield Cleaning Services assistance, Qwenthur manages to stage a diversionary attack on City Slickers Objects, damaging one of them and knocking off a piece of its armor. Upon analyzing the armor, and with assistance from Granny, Qwenthur discovers that dummy Objects are built out of a low cost ceramic material. Using a drone, Qwenthur takes advantage of the dummy Objects faulty AI to trick them into firing on their own support convoy, setting off the volatile plasma gas they are carrying and inducing thermal shock on the dummy Objects ceramic hulls, causing them to shatter. Milinda then arrives and destroys Indigo Plasma, killing City Slicker as well. Upon returning to base, Qwenthur finds out that the BCS is not a registered company under the Capitalist Enterprise. In fact, it turns out the BCS is a front for the Intelligence Union, who assisted Qwenthur in order to destroy the strategic AI technology the Legitimiate Kingdom stole from them.

23 - A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum I
Qwenthur and his unit are sent to oversee a hostage trade with the Intelligence Union, where they are sending Guru Klondike to them in return for valuable intelligence. Due to the importance of the Guru, the Capitalist Enterprise and Faith Organization send their own Objects to observe. However, Baby Magnum is hacked, and Qwenthur and Havia go to investigate the source when they are warned by Charlotte that Flide is responsible.

24 - A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II
While trying to stop Milinda, Qwenthur and Havias vehicle is hit by stray fire, leaving Qwenthur critically wounded. They are both recovered by the Intelligence Union and have their wounds treated. Qwenthur then warns them about the Mirror of Truth, and convinces Ohoho to help him save Milinda. Frolaytia warns Qwenthur that her superiors have declared that the Baby Magnum has gone rogue, and will allow the Faith Organization and Capital Enterprise Objects to intervene to destroy it.
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