Guerreiras Mágicas de Rayearth (1994)
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Durante uma excursão escolar à torre de Tóquio, três estudantes: Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuzaki e Fuu Hououji são convocadas pela Princesa Esmeralde para salvarem Zephir. Ao chegarem lá são recebidas pelo Guru Clef. Clef conta tudo sobre aquele mundo mágico, e que Princesa Emeralde havia sido raptada pelo sumo-sacerdote Zagard. As três garotas, foram convocadas para se tornarem Guerreiras Mágicas de Zephir. Para conseguir isso, Clef deu a cada uma delas uma armadura que evolui conforme seu desempenho e poderes diferentes: Hikaru-Fogo, Umi-Água e Fuu-Vento. Para se tornarem Guerreiras Mágicas, elas precisavam de encontrar Priscila, a ferreira de Cephiro. Priscila fez para cada uma delas espadas feitas de um mineral lendário chamado Escudo, o único mineral que faz espadas que evoluem e logo após faze-las é morta por um monstro de Askot. Depois de receberem as espadas feitas por Priscila, Hikaru, Umi e Fuu foram atrás de seus respectivos Espíritos, Rayearth, Selece e Windam, com a ajuda de Mokona, que indicava-lhes o caminho. Na procura dos Espíritos enfrentaram muitos inimigos como Askot: um pequeno feiticeiro, mas com grandes poderes, Caldina: uma incrível dançarina ilusionista louca por dinheiro e Rafaga: o capitão da guarda que protegia a Princesa Esmeralde, mas que foi hipnotizado por Zagard. Online
Elenco principal

Megumi Ogata
Eagle Vision, Emeraude
Jurota Kosugi
Lantis, Zagato
Satomi Korogi
Sang Yung
Yuka Imai
Miki Ito
Yukimasa Kishino
Chinami Nishimura
Lady Aska
Jun;ichi Kanemaru
Zazu TorqueMidia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Guerreiras Mágicas, chegou a sua vez!
Durning a field trip at the Tokyo Tower, three girls from three different schools, are transported to a medieval like land named Cephiro. The girls introduces themselves, Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, who are all in the 8th grade, reguardless how they look. They are greeted by a wizard named Clef. Clef explains that their high ruler, Princess Emeraude was imprisoned by one of her guards name Zagat, high above the skies of Cephiro. He then explains that Princess Emeraude made it clear about the Legendary Magic Knights, who are destined to save their world.

2 - Priscilla, a guardiã das armas
Guided by Clefs words stuck in their head, they reach the Silent Forrest. They are dropped off by the big griffin like bird, and wonders how the hell are they getting into the mansion like place, when its surrounded by a wall with no doors.

3 - A Floresta do Silêncio
While travelling to Eterna Lake, they run into a guy named Ferrio who saves them from a monster.

4 - Alcion, a feiticeia vingativa
The girls run into what seems like to be a deserted village. They are captured in a net, and find out that the villagers were hiding from monsters, corrupting their land.

5 - O Eskudo lendário
Alcyone begs Zagato for another chance, to kill the Magic Knights, after saying she has a plan (this time).

6 - O sacrifício de Priscilla
Ascot sends one of his worm creatures to kill the Magic Knights. Ascot decides to take a nap while his creature kills them.

7 - O amor brotará no deserto
Clef tells the girls with each earthquake that happens in Cephiro it means that Cephiro is falling. If Cephiro falls completely, they cannot go back to their world.

8 - Vigor, o imprevisível
Hikaru takes an estrange monster for caring. She names it Hikaru after her dog. We then find out that Hikari is actually a pet/monster that Ascot was training.

9 - O pesadelo das Guerreiras
Alycone manages to trick Ascot into freeing her from a barrier that was holding her against her will. She promised him to give power to one of his monsters that would kill those Magic Knights.

10 - O 1º gênio ressucita
The girls reach a lake, and Mokona reveals a Machine is in it. They travel underneath the water, to a place with air (thanks to Mokona.)

11 - A lenda dos gênios de Zephir
The girls are flying off to the flying mountain that the first saw when they were transported there. The mountain is holding the castle were Princess Emeraude is being held. When they almost got there, they were attacked by Zagato, but then saved by Princess Emeraude.

12 - Os poderes de Caldina
The girls are travelling, when Mokona tells them to go up. Mokona then reveals a Machine is up there in one of the flying mountains.

13 - A coisa mais importante do mundo
Caldina is determine to kill the girls inorder to receive the pile of money from Zagato. Ascot doesnt care for it anymore, and tries to convince Caldina not to attack them.

14 - A promessa das guerreiras
After battling a fierce monster, the girls find out that Mokona is able to project the land of Cephiro. They soon find out that they need to head for the skies for the other Machine, as well as their location (where they are currently at.)

15 - Windown, o 2º gênio
Innova asks Zagato to have his turn to try and kill the girls, and he agrees.

16 - Rafaga, o espadachim
Zagato informs Princess Emeraude that he is using mind control to send one of the Princess skilled swordsmen/royal guard to kill the girls. She begs Zagato to stop, but he doesnt listen.

17 - A verdadeira identidade de Inov e Fério
Innova once again begs Zagato to return him to his true form. To his surprise Zagato does, and Innova, who transforms into a wild beast wolf-like creature goes after the girls.

18 - Rayearth, o último gênio
Alcyone spies on Zagato, as he talks with Emeraude. She notices again, he is not physically attacking her, but merely just verbally making trouble. She slolwy gets more of her doubts with the kidnapping of Princess Emeraude.

19 - As Guerreiras Mágicas contra Zagard
The girls start to head towards the flying mountain in the sky, and remembers the good times, and bad times they had. They then get a message from Princess Emeraude, telling them to grant her wish and save Cepiro.

20 - As Guerreiras Mágicas e a hora da verdade
The girls head to the castle where a girl, looking like Princess Emeraude is waiting for them.
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