Freakazoid: Alto Forte e Maluco (1995)
Freakazoid: Alto Forte e Maluco Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir Freakazoid: Alto Forte e Maluco Completo, Assistir Online
O gênio da informática Dexter Douglas se transforma em um super-herói maluco graças a um erro em seu computador e sempre tenta salvar o mundo de bizarros vilões. Online
Elenco principal

Ed Asner
Sgt. Cosgrove (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Debbie Douglas (voice), Cobra Queen (voice), Babeheart (voice), Secretary (voice) e 3 more...
Jeff Bennett
Cave Guy (voice), Medulla (voice), Manager (voice), Jeepers (voice) e 6 more...
David Kaufman
Dexter Douglas (voice)
David Warner
The Lobe (voice)
Frank Welker
Mr. Chubbikins (voice), Gen. Toku (voice), Fred the Guard (voice), Big Snake (voice) e 2 more...Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Five Day Forecast/Dance of Doom/Hand Man
Freakazoid does the weather, rescues a hostage high-school dance and loses a sidekick to marriage.

2 - Candle Jack/Toby Danger in Doomsday Bet/The Lobe
Freakazoid salva campistas de um monstro e escapa por pouco de uma lobotomia. Toby Danger deve parar o Dr. Sin.

3 - Mo-Ron / The Sewer Rescue / The Big Question / The Legends Who Lunch
Um alienígena esquecido tenta lembrar sua mensagem para a humanidade, o primeiro ato de Lord Bravery como um super-herói esperançoso acaba por ser um problema, os alienígenas circundam a Terra na esperança de encontrar uma resposta à eterna questão do universo e os super-heróis idosos jantam e lembram seus dias de glória.

4 - And Fan Boy Is His Name / Lawn Gnomes Chapter IV: Fun in the Sun / Freak;s French Lesson
No primeiro segmento (E Fanboy é o Nome dele), um adolescente alegre que se chama Fanboy tenta se tornar o companheiro de Freakazoid. O segundo segmento aborda a história de 4 gnomos, que depois de terem causado prejuízos para os vikings muitos anos no passado, são transformados em pedra durante o dia, mas ganham vida à noite para ajudar a humanidade. O segmento final (Francês com o Freakazoid) mostra o nosso herói ensinando francês ao público.

5 - Foamy the Freakadog / Office Visit / Ode to Leonard Nimoy / Emergency Broadcast System / Cönversational Nörwegian
Uma criatura raivosa que se parece como um cão se torna o novo companheiro de Freak; Lord Bravery luta contra a burocracia sobre o nome dele; Fan Boy rapsoda sobre sua busca pelo autógrafo de Spock; Freak ensina norueguês.

6 - The Chip (Acts I - III)
Jack Valenti apresenta a história de como Freakazoid obteve seus poderes e a promessa de ver um homem adulto lutar com um urso.

7 - The Chip (Act IV) / Freakazoid is History
A conclusão da história das origens de Freakazoid. Um vórtice suga Freakazoid ao passado.

8 - Hot Rods from Heck / A Time for Evil
Freakazoid mostra um plano para usar carros robóticos para roubar armas nucleares. O Caçador vai em busca do crime.

9 - Relax-O-Vision / Fatman and Boy Blubber / Limbo Lock-Up / Terror Palace
In order to provide a more calming effect to todays rather violent cartoons, the network censors initiate Relax-o-Vision. The process projects peaceful scenes of tranquility over more violent parts of the days cartoon. Freakzoid tolerates the interference with his show, until he finally decides to take matters into his own hands against the censors.

10 - In Arm;s Way / The Cloud
Freak goes Christmas shopping and searches for the answer to a mysterious cloud which seems to be turning people into zombies.

11 - Next Time, Phone Ahead / Nerdator
The cartoon is cut short when the shows lazy writers decide to end the episode early to show more Animaniacs reruns. However, Steven Spielberg wont stand for it, and unleashes his vision to finish the cartoon right. Dexter Douglas soon meets a strange alien named Mo-Ron, who becomes lost from his alien friends. Dexter helps Mo-Ron phone home, and soon all is well-that is, until the long distance charges roll in.

12 - House of Freakazoid / Sewer or Later
Freak must rescue a werewolf from his cursed state, and delve into the sewers after a pack of jewel thieves led by the Cobra Queen.

13 - The Wrath of Guitierrez
This episode involves Armondo Guitierrez, whose company created the Pinnacle microchip that turned Dexter Douglas into Freakazoid (gasp!). After using an internet connection and special series of keystrokes, Guttierrez escapes into cyberspace, and begins to mess things up for Freakazoid. After traveling into cyberspace, Freakazoid meets a new and improved Armondo. After a wrist-timer is wired to his wrist, Freakazoid has one hour to go through the game Amazing Castles to find the key to unlock it, otherwise he will be deleted.
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