Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. (2012)
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Completo, Assistir Online
Kaga Ryousuke, um jovem incrivelmente romântico, estava andando na chuva quando ele vê uma linda garota, de olhos vermelhos e molhada pela chuva. Todos estavam a evitando, mas Ryousuke foi ensinado a valorizar as mulheres, então ele ofereceu ajuda, deixando-a se secar em sua casa. Ryousuke não poderia imaginar que essa garota misteriosa iria esfaqueá-lo no peito e deixá-lo caído... seria isso o que parece? Quem é essa garota misteriosa que faz o que quer com ele? Online
Elenco principal

Kaori Ishihara

Aya Endo
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Red String of Fate!?
Ryousuke is a well-known pervert around school, but when an attractive female is waiting for him outside his house in the rain, the setup is almost to perfect.

2 - Ero is Good for the Eyes
Lisara is not only living with Ryousuke but has also transferred into his class. Her search for a powerful contractor continues at school.

3 - Dangerous Idol
There are 8 special individuals at the school with unique skills. Lisara needs to test their powers, but the 1st one proves to be a big challenge.

4 - Bust Circumference Disparate Society
Fukumune Iria is back and she has joined Ryousuke and Lisaras class. She wants to find that special person before Lisara does and will do anything.

5 - Invisible Dictionary
Mina and Quele follow Ryousuke around as he expands his dictionary. Minas admiration for Ryou is starting to become infectious.

6 - We Became One
The truth behind Ryousuke having the sword is revealed and it takes a Mother to do it.

7 - I Want to Let Her Live
Ryousuke rush to rescue Mina has put everyone in danger. The reality of the situation is setting in and while physically ok, he is mentally unable to raise his perv power.

8 - Rival, Sways
With Ryousuke still limp from the previous fight Quele attempts to heal him. Lisara sets out to rally the Restall army with information provided by Iria.

9 - My Kingdom Standing Tall
Galdarblog and Ryousuke finally get a chance to clash swords; each strike puts one closer to their goal.

10 - Heaven After Hell
Aftershocks of the battle have created chaos, but the girls struggle to stall Ryosuke from finding out until things settle down. But a new Grim Reaper appears, and her appearance is not with good tidings

11 - Making Love Happen
With the identity of the schools special person found, all thats left is to have that person burst out with enough energy to save Ryosuke. But theres an obstacle to overcome first.

12 - So Please Stop Talking About Sex
Ryousuke picked death, but the ladies that love him refuse to let him go. The group gets one final chance to save him thanks to an e-mail.
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